How to protect your children who are attending parties

As a parent or guardian you have the responsibility to ensure the safety of

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How to protect your children who are attending parties

As a parent or guardian you have the responsibility to ensure the safety of your children.

Will your child have access to a phone if they need to contact you?

Make sure that your child has a mobile phone. If you are going out, make sure that they can contact you or another responsible adult should they need assistance.

Check the level of adult supervision available at the party.

Where possible, contact the adult responsible for the party and check if there is going to be supervision, you may suggest that they check out this information if they have not already.

Is alcohol going to be served or permitted at the party?

Remember that it is an offence to supply alcohol to a minor.

Would your child be able to get home if he/she needs to?

Make sure that your child is able to get home should he/she need to, consider giving your child enough money to catch a taxi home in an urgent situation or leave enough money in an agreed place at home.


Ensure that your child carries identification on them at all times. This can be vital in the event of an emergency. A card indicating blood type and information on any allergies should also be kept by the young person in case of an emergency.

Make sure you know exactly where the party is going to be held.

Having the address, phone number and details of a party’s location is helpful in the event that you need to get into contact with your child. It will also enable you to find the party, should your child need help.


It is important that you know when to expect your child. Negotiate a reasonable time for them to return home from the party.

Designated drivers

If your child is going to be travelling to a party in a car, make sure that there is a designated driver. Ensure your child has some options to fall back on if the designated driver does drink during the night, for instance, they should tell a responsible adult or call for a taxi or travel with someone else who hasn’t been drinking.

What can I do if I think someone is supplying my child or other young people with drugs or alcohol?

If you suspect that someone is supplying drugs and/or alcohol to your aid or to other young people in the community, you should report to the police.

Mark Zisinghan


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